Friday, June 02, 2006

How Can You Tell?

I’ve been thinking about the ways we should decipher what is and is not “God’s will” for us. It has been on my mind a lot especially for the last couple weeks. I was serving as a program coordinator for the CC06, and we ended up making pretty major changes to the program at the last minute. I “felt” the “calling” to make these changes, and it seemed like doors were being opened one by one for us to go forward with the new plan. But I kept wondering if it was really God’s will or just something I wanted to do for my personal fulfillment.

Yes, of course there is Philippians 2:13 (For it is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure). But there are definitely times God’s will and my own don’t align… I can also sugar coat my selfish motives with seemingly godly reasons to convince others and myself. Argh.

Then I heard this on radio on the way to CC as I prayed for discernment.

When searching for God’s will:
1. Be willing. Willing to be open to an outcome that is not what you desire. Willing to be uncomfortable or be challenged. Willing to wait.
2. Stay willing. God’s will may be revealed over an extended period of time. So stay open and be patient (oh, the P word!).
3. Consult the Word.
4. Look at the circumstance.
5. Think. Use common sense.
6. Act

I don’t know what program it was or which radio stations the program was on. I don’t even remember who this idea came from but it was a famous missionary from long time ago.

They stressed that the order is important. We should first be willing or else we could take a Bible verse out of context and interpret it to fit our liking. “Circumstantial evidence” should come after the Word, because we can easily be led astray when we rely primarily on what is seen on the surface. But don’t forget to think before you act and make sure you are carrying things out appropriately.

I think it makes pretty good sense. It’s a lot of work and not as simple as I like it to be. But spiritual discipline NEVER seems to be easy or simple. Hmmmm.

I actually didn’t have a chance to practice all the steps with the situation I was in at CC. But it was good to get some kind of guidance in response to my prayer. Maybe it will come in handy at later date…


Blogger strunny said...

i know i responded via email to this...but i wanted to just mention here again how cool it is that God stepped in and helped you remember all these steps. i just have to share what you told me.
when she heard this on the way to chicago she was recording it so she could go back later and listen. but then she dropped her phone at the toll booth on the way home, never to be seen again. yet, she still got all this and posted it! definitely a God-sighting! :)
and also, this spoke to me the other day...but again, today. this was one of the ways God showed me that re: this job stuff, His will might not become perfectly clear right now, but over time. i mean i should know that, right. but sometimes (especially with my career) i'd like it to go a certain way at a certain time. control!!! argh. ;)
love you! s.

3:48 AM  

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