Friday, April 28, 2006

Allergy Test

In less than two weeks, I will get a first-ever allergy test in my life. I’m actually VERY excited about it. In fact, I can hardly wait.

I had thought about it before, but I didn’t have any allergy symptom bad enough to get my lazy butt up to actually do it. Then a while ago, one of my friends found out that she was ferociously allergic to a kind of red die. It is commonly used in many foods, drinks, and cosmetics etc. She has a severe case of chronic fatigue syndrome, and had been tested for everything under the sun. But doctors had no idea what was causing her to get sick until now. It is inconvenient to be allergic to something, but if red die is what’s making her sick, it’s good news. She might feel significantly better by avoiding red dies. If that didn’t cure her condition completely, at least it should help a lot. The prospect made me very happy.

I thought allergy symptoms were like itchiness, sneezing, stomachache, wheezing, difficulty breathing and stuff like that. But my host sister told me drowsiness could be a symptom of allergy, too. She used to have the hardest time staying awake at work after eating lentil soup for lunch. She had no idea why, but she found out that she was allergic to lentil. It wasn’t such a good thing, because she was a vegetarian at the time and she often relied on lentil for her protein source. She also lived in India for a while and a lot of their dishes had lentil, too. So the whole time she was there she felt really tired. But she just attributed that to the heat or something. (It sure is hot there, too, though.)

What I’m hoping for myself is to find out things that I might be allergic to, and by avoiding them I will get much more energy and feel amazingly better. Vitamin really helped me to not get sick so often, but I still feel pretty groggy a lot of the time. I’ll probably be disappointed by the result of the test, but let me dream for just a while…


Blogger strunny said...

why do you think you'll probably be disappointed? the fact that you are going is awesome by the way! i'm curious to hear how it goes.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Megumi said...

I have my hopes all up high that it will miraculously cure my tiredness in general, you know? But I doubt that it's that easy...

6:02 AM  

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