Sunday, May 07, 2006

Kyonsee (?)

When I was in elementary school, there was a series of very popular movies from Hong Kong, featuring monsters called Kyonsee (I have no idea how the word should be spelled. So I’m taking the liberty here). Kyonsees are basically the Chinese version of zombies; dead bodies roaming around and killing people. If you get bitten (they have sharp teeth, and alas, sharp long dark nails. Yuck) by a Kyonsee, you become one, too. They all ware a dark, long-sleeved tunic-like costume with underpants and a round cap. What sets them apart from other zombie-types the most is how they move. They have their arms and hands up straight forward at the chest height, and they hop. And boy, can they hop! It's pretty impressive how fast and far they travel with that mode of ambulation.

Kyonsees are quite powerful and cannot be destroyed by swords (a strike of a sword bounces off their body. Apparently they are very hard.) In the movie, there are Kung-fu ghost busters specialized in dealing with Kyonsees. They stick a paper talisman on Kyonsees’ forehead, which “deactivate” Kyonsees and make them obey the ghost buster’s orders.

So you got the picture. The reason why I’m dragging Kyonsees out of an obscured corner of the childhood memory is because they made an appearance in my dream a couple days ago. I was a ghost buster for the night. Absurd!

What wasn’t so absurd was that I didn’t have any Kung-fu moves, which is true to the reality. Instead, I was trying to fight Kyonsees by cutting their blood circulations off (which is absurd. They are dead. They don’t have any blood flow). I would somehow push them down on the floor and press really hard on their wrists or neck vein with my fingers. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but that was supposed to make them “faint”. So I'm pressing to find the pulse on the neck of a Kyonsee, who is lying on the floor and struggling frantically for his dear life. I’d be yelling at anybody in the vicinity, “Get me a talisman, quick! He’s gonna get away!!”

Funny thing is that they didn’t look like Kyonsees at all; Kyonsees have blue skins to make them look dead. But the ones in my dream had rather normal complexion. Maybe a little on the greener and purplish side, but not blue. They also wore normal clothes. But I just KNEW that they were Kyonsees, you know?

Anyhow, that’s my account of Kyonsee busting experience. No spiritual importance whatsoever, but I just thought to share it with ya.


Blogger strunny said...


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