Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I’ve been getting up at 5:30 am lately. An hour earlier than usual (actually, I don’t get out of bed ‘till 7 most of the time, so it’s more like an hour and half earlier than usual). I started doing it to increase my work time. Especially since I hurt my back, I’m so tired passed 9:30 pm or so and can’t get anything done. So I decided to just go to sleep and do my homework in the morning instead of staying up late. And it’s working!! The amount of sleep I get is the same as before, but I’m definitely less tired during the day. Ok, this is what I used to do:

Megumi’s day starts :-D

Get up late (7:00 am)

Tired and groggy and unmotivated at work (8 am to 5 pm or so)

Come home. Still tired. I may take a nap, or just lay around if I don’t have to go anywhere. If I have to go somewhere, I go, and be tired and spaced out. (5:30 pm on).

Get into bed, but can’t fall asleep (11:30 pm to 12:00 am or so). Think about what I accomplished today…. NOTHING.

Megumi’s day ends in suckiness :-(


I think the biggest difference is that I’m completely wiped out by the time I get into bed. I’m more productive in the morning, compared to late at night. I think part of it is that I have definite timeline when I need to finish what I’m doing (time to go to work). In addition, I have been able to have more solid quiet time. It’s a definite bonus.

WOW! Am I turning into a morning person!? What a foreign concept! I probably go back to my original life style, though, once this crazy busyness subsides…


Blogger strunny said...

i'm so happy this is working for you! it helps me too knowing you're up, cool.

6:31 PM  
Blogger B-Go said...

wow, way to go with being productive! I think I'm more productive in the mornings as well... but I think ours are pretty different situations.

Anyway, hope you've been having a nice week (and that you are continuing to heal up)!

9:38 PM  
Blogger strunny said...

how did you do those arrow things?

6:28 PM  

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