Thursday, October 12, 2006

Red Sea

Strunny forwarded me a devotional titled “Move On!”

It talked about how God (not so gently) urged Israelites to go on when they quite literally dead-ended in front of the Red Sea.

What was inspiring to me was how the author related his own experience of going through a divorce to that biblical event.

As a prominent Christian leader, no doubt he suffered intense shame and the sense of failure. I imagine he almost felt disqualified to be involved with any ministry activities.

But his friend told him to get it together and move on;

"You must not withdraw from being proactive in your faith just because of this trial that you are in. God's hand is on your life. There are too many who are depending on you to fulfill the purposes God has in your life. Keep moving! Keep investing yourself in others."

What a friend! I pray God will send someone like him for my time of trial, and make me be that person for others, too.

I used to think of “getting past ourselves” as leaving behind our ego or pride. The devotional taught me that we must also leave behind our shame and inequities for the sake of the Lord.

Thankfully I’m not faced with any major hardship at the moment, but surely I will come to a Red Sea some time. I might mess up so badly I would feel like I should drop off the face of God’s kingdom.

I hope to remember then that my failure cannot be a reason why God’s work should be stunted.


Blogger strunny said...

i cannot wait to see the people that God changes using you. you amaze me. i am filled with bubbly feelings of genuine love for you, so glad we are friends. ok, super mushy. and online too. lol.
anyway. that devotional really touched me too. it is nice to know we need to leave behind our shame, not just our failures, etc. goes right with the book we are reading in small group i just realized, doesn't it?

5:35 PM  
Blogger Megumi said...

Yeah! Somewhere in my head is this belief that I should feel guilty and beat myself down for my failures, to the point I can go forward any more. Stupid but powerful lie.

Humility and self-loathing paired with self-pity get swapped out so easily.

6:04 AM  

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