Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Joining the Rest of Civilization

More than usual, I couldn’t wait to get home yesterday. I was so geeked all day, could hardly suppress my grin.

I got the wireless Internet connection (and Cable TV) at home now…!


My home life has been similar to that of 1940’s for the last few years. I didn’t have a subscription to newspaper, stable Internet access, or TV. My primary mode of entertainment was to read books, and the only source of information has been the National Public Radio (God bless them) while I’m driving and occasional glances at the MSN/Yahoo/Google news at work.

I don’t even know how I managed to take an online course a couple semesters ago. Well, I actually know how. I bum ridden my unsuspected neighbor’s unsecured WiFi for the whole time. And boy, was it a bumpy ride.

Things are about to change drastically!

As wonderful as it is, I’m quickly finding out that the unlimited Internet connection can also be very dangerous. Particularly to my finances. In addition to its monthly fee, I’m constantly exposed to the temptation of online shopping.

Overjoyed by my connectivity to the rest of the civilization, I purchased “The Best of the Monkee’s” album via iTune store in celebration. See, the Internet can drive you to such behavior.

Also I liked hiding from the tidal wave of media broadcasts. It left me out of touch with the current events, but I didn’t mind that as much as I minded feeling overwhelmed and violated. I suppose I could regulate the amount of media intake, but still.

Suddenly, I feel somewhat less safe in my own house…


Blogger strunny said...

hey! i'm glad you have it at home. it's been so long that i have not had it, that i forgot how much more i am exposed to until i read about your experience here. and i'm laughing about the cd purchase.

8:04 AM  
Blogger B-Go said...

you're sitting in front of me... and it's funny to comment like this.

i'm glad to see you anyhow.

5:14 PM  

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