Thursday, October 12, 2006

Honey On My Lips

“Ye of little faith”

Whenever I heard it, I always used to flinch.

It sounded to me like a condemnation, almost a rejection. I felt convicted even when those words were directed to the disciples or somebody else.

Last night a friend of ours was telling us about a dream job he just got after a long and grueling search.

“It’s totally like ‘Ye of little faith’, you know?” he said.

I know. And those words didn’t make me flinch for some reason. Instead, it cleared the fog of doubt and anxiety I’ve been feeling for a while.

“I knew God can provide, but I just didn’t see the light on the other side of the tunnel, and my hope was draining,” our friend went on.

Yes, that’s how I’ve been feeling though it’s not about my job.

I knew God was talking to me through that friend. Using the phrase that once made me fearful and ashamed, He gave me hope and reassurance.

It’s a moment like this I’m reminded of the living nature of God’s word. The content of the Word has remained the same but it speaks different things to different people, according to the unique situation each of us are in at the time.

There are many verses in the Bible that scare the living crap out of me still. But God has demonstrated even harsh scolding can lead one to life when it comes out of Him.

So paradoxical and so God. After all He is the master of all words and He is the Word.

May His Word always turn to honey on my lips and nourish me within, even when they sound harsh to my ears.


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