Monday, October 15, 2007

White Beast

I’m sure we all have had dreams in which we are chased by something or somebody. A recurring “chaser” in my dreams since the childhood is a white beast.

It resembles an oversized wolf but with way more fur and body mass.

When I was younger I hardly ever saw the beast itself in my dreams. Maybe I’d get a glimpse of white fury in a flash or two. But I knew with a certainty that it was after me. Its presence was so palpable I could almost hear its padded footsteps with claws rasping on the ground, and feel the wet and hot breath on my heels. So I run, stumbling, fear gripping my heart. I would wonder how much longer I can keep running.

I haven’t out run the beast.

Within the last couple of years I had maybe 3 encounters with the beast. In those dreams I have captured the full appearance of the beast. It looks just as vicious as it has ever been, but slightly smaller (perhaps because I’m bigger now?). Interestingly I’m less frightened by the actual confrontation with the beast than the image of it chasing me.

The beast is still very much beyond my power to vanquish, though. Last night I was fighting it with a spear. Before I could finish it or it could finish me, I woke up. Even in the dream, I remember, I was in awe for the fact that I’m taking on something (though it didn’t look like I could overpower it) that used to paralyze me by its sheer presence in the distance.

At this rate, perhaps I’d be able to slay the beast in the near future once and for all? Or perhaps it isn’t meant to be defeated by my own strength…


Blogger B-Go said...

i don't think i've ever had a recurring dream for more than one night... especially not like this. but it does seem that you are growing stronger in your dreams--if you have been fighting with spears most recently, rather than always running away. i'll pray that you will have sweet dreams and that your strength--whether in our out of sleep--would come from the Lord.

i love you so much!

10:20 AM  

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