Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Drop of Light

Recently one of my friends told me that she started talking Vitamin D. She has been having drowsiness and lack of energy, almost to the point of incapacitation.

She is normally an active person, who has accomplished a lot in many areas of her life. It was not like her to be constantly down and have a hard time getting up every morning.

After a while she realized what’s bugging her is the notorious SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder). Her condition improved dramatically since she started taking Vitamin D.

Which makes sense. She lives in the western side of the state where it gets much colder and more snow than the rest of Michigan. Last year was her first in the States since she moved from Japan, but they had a relatively mild winter then. This winter, however, has been very typical of Michigan. Long, dark, and cold.

After I heard her story I thought, hmmm. This is my eleventh year in Michigan, so I assumed I’m used to the winter here by now. In fact the coldness doesn’t bother me as much as it used to (not that I like it, though). But then, my body still needs sunlight to produce Vitamin D, of which I’m getting absolutely none at all. I get up while it’s still dark outside and go to work, stay inside (windowless building at that) all day, and get out after dark.

I’ve been very tired and sleepy all the time. I often go home and crash around 7:00 PM and don’t even have energy to eat supper. I wondered if I was depressed but I’ve been very happy emotionally and things are going well in my life.

So I started taking Vitamin D, too. It hasn’t been long enough to see if it’s working but in any case it couldn’t hurt. I wish I started on it earlier, though. It’s almost spring now…

I saw several different kinds of Vitamin Ds when I went to the store. Some of them had higher number than the other (600 IU vs. 400 IU) and/or other things in it (i.e. naturally occurring vitamin A). I didn’t know what each description meant, but I chose the same one my friend had.

Besides the fact the particular brand worked for her, I liked small yellow gel capsule the Vitamin comes in. They look like a little bit of sunlight captured in pills. Hopefully it works until my body can produce Vitamin D by the sunlight coming from outside…