Monday, August 21, 2006

Bug Bites

I got about five or so actively itchy bug bites mostly around my ankles. I believe they are from ordinary variety of mosquitoes. And they itch like nobody’s business.

It’s pretty amazing what great amount of agony those little suckers can inflict upon me. If I count inactively itchy ones, I’m covered with more than a dozen mosquito bites. What am I emitting to attract so many mosquitoes, I don’t know. I’m very allergic to them and every single bite I get becomes incredibly swollen and ITCHY.

Mosquitoes in Michigan seem much more pernicious than what we got back home. Japanese mosquitoes don’t bite through jeans, and the itch doesn’t persist for 7+ days like it does from Michigan mosquito bites. A friend of mine who used to live in California told me mosquitoes in the West Coast are not nearly as bad. Cold weather builds strong characters in people and mosquitoes.

Another reason why I should not move to Alaska.

Itchy. That’s all I can think about right now. Itchiness is in someway worse than painfulness. I heard somewhere consistent itchiness can drive people insane faster than consistent pain can and I believe it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I went to Georgia on a business trip yesterday and found a very disturbing merchandise in the SkyMall catalogue during my return flight.

It was a web-camera stealthily imbedded in nose button (?) of a stuffed animal. This “easy to use, easy to focus” item is available in beagle or golden-retriever design. (Cick here for the link to the SkyMall online catalogue page for this critter-cam)

Somebody please tell me what child who is young enough to want a stuffed animal should need a web-cam, or what adult who wants a web-cam should need it hidden in a stuffed animal?