Ice Worm
This morning on MPR, I heard a talk about Ice Worms living in the Arctic. As their name suggests, these peculiar creatures thrive under the climate much below 0 degree. They hide in their borrows dug in ice during the day, and come out at night when the temperature drops (as if it wasn’t cold enough already in the Arctic). Apparently Ice Worms have kind of a reverse metabolism system from most living organisms. If I dip in ice-cold water, my metabolism slow down and I die. But if Ice Worms do the same, their metabolism speed up. The colder it gets, the more energetic they become. I didn’t know there were any such animals!
The moral (?) of this story by MPR is that the global warming has caused the ice in the Arctic to melt at a rapid rate, and endangering neat creatures like Ice Worms and the polar bears to go extinct. It’s sometimes hard to feel the green house effect in Michigan during winter. But when I hear a story like that, it makes me want to do whatever I can to preserve amazing creations God has put on the earth.
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