All We Need To Do
I was talking to Sarah on the way back from work the other day, and she shared with me something really cool: Lately Jesus has been showing up everywhere in her life. Sometimes it’s just for a second or so, but Sarah hears and sees him clearly when she is praying, reading the Bible, or just going around engaging in a random life stuff. What did she have to do to receive such an incredible spiritual gift? All she did was ask: She just asked that Jesus would reveal more of His presence in her life. So He did. Amazing.
Of course we should work hard to attain maturity and discipline. But it appears as though to receive the most precious gifts in the world, all God requires of us is to ask. God would give us something so significant as the eternal life, when we ask for it. He doesn’t even seem to require that we have complete faith, in order to receive gifts from Him. Faith is also a gift from him.
God is overflowing with grace. By definition, grace is undeserved gift that is freely given to us. This is a basic fact of Christianity, yet how easy it is to forget that. Why am I not asking Him for more faith, love, purity, wisdom and strength? Do I feel too unworthy to ask? Am I afraid to be disappointed? What have I got to lose? Sarah said she feels like she is really getting to know Jesus for the first time. She has had a relationship with Jesus, and it has been intimate. But her passion for Him is now renewed by increased presence of Jesus in her life. They are in the honeymoon again, and are just very excited about getting closer to each other. Ooooh, I think I’m missing out!! I want my first love for Jesus renewed, too!!!!
Lord, I ask that you fill my life with your presence. Reign over my thoughts, words and actions. I want more of you in me, Jesus. Help me to trust in you. Let me love people as you love them, and accept the unconditional love from you. I pray in your precious name, Jesus, for you have afforded me the privilege to ask.
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